Billions were stolen in blockchain hacks last year…
According to this article, the total value of the losses from 122 attacks in 2020 would be worth $3.8 billion today. We know how some hackers passed away their time during the lockdown: By running Bitcoin-related hacks and potentially netting “nearly $3.78 billion” in 2020, according to a report from Atlas VPN. Data collected by Slowmist Hacked showed that there were 122 attacks in 2020, targeting three major areas: –Decentralized apps running on the Ethereum platform had 47 attacks (current value $437 million) –Cryptocurrency exchanges had 28 attacks (current value $300 million in losses) –27 attacks on blockchain wallets Via ZDNet—Billions were stolen in blockchain hacks last year
What exactly IS Blockchain? Blockchain Technology Explained [VIDEO]
This video gives an interesting, easy-to-follow explanation of “blockchain” technology, including what exactly it is and it’s potential impact to the tech landscape. Below are some choice quotes that stuck out to me and quickly help convey some key concepts: “What is Blockchain? A shared trusted, secure database; se. can enable inter-organizational collaboration” “You can get from small to large by centralizing, but you get from large to infinite by distributing. And that’s what blockchain can do for this next 3d generation internet.”—Blockchain Technology Explained youtube video “The interesting part of the blockchain is really in what it enables in terms of new forms of distributed organization.” “Blockchain is an…
Get ready for self-driving banks
This article from the Financial Times looks at the algorithms and blockchain technology that may be required for 21st century regulation. DeFi turns all this on its head. It leverages blockchain technology to deliver services with no human intermediation. One example is creating money markets with algorithmically derived interest rates based on supply and demand — rates that traditional banks set by committee. Other DeFi projects include decentralised exchanges that allow users to trade without brokers, and protocols for lending that do not involve loan officers or credit committees. Although these “self-driving banks” are new, they are not small. They are likely to be mainstream before self-driving cars start to…
The Importance of Configuration
Configuration is the way a system’s settings are set during the initial set-up phase of software/hardware and also the on-going maintenance and updating of the system’s settings. It is a HUGELY important task. It can be daunting for some. It can be tolerable but boring for others. And, for yet others, it can be the absolute first place one wants to go to when setting something up! A magical place where one wants to become deeply intimate with each and every setting and how it effects other aspects of the system! Sign us up for the last camp, please! The average users knowledge of configuration of different systems can be…